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The Assessment Poll

Whether as an individual, organization, corporate body, political party, institution or government, it is your right to know in time the right candidate to invest your trust, time, energy and resources on, before the actual day of leadership selection or election comes. Do not be deceived by sweet rhetoric’s, unattainable and unrealistic election promises and also political propaganda, let the Assessment Poll be your guide ahead of time and you shall not regret you did.

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Why Assessment Poll

Why Assessment Poll?

Should popularity alone be the best test to determine a good leader?

Do you think that being the most popular, makes one the most competent in service delivery?

Do you also think that being a good governor guarantees one to be a good president?

Does age have anything to do with good leadership?

Should high academic qualification be a prerequisite for leadership selection and also a guarantee for good leadership?

Can an opinion poll be used to determine a credible and the most competent leader?

How long shall we continue to place a square peg into a round hole?

The above questions and more have overtime troubled the minds of great thinkers worldwide, hence the creation of this platform as the solution and answer to these questions.


This is what makes Assessment Poll platform different from every other.

After voting, candidates are subjected to a comprehensive assessment by voters, even those they did not vote for, using provided variables and the cumulative average scores displayed.

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) integrated into our assessment mechanism maximally utilizes every device's sensors within it's disposal to ascertain the level of sincerity on every voters assessment of candidates, hence the need to be honest, discret, unbiased, rational and above all, very fair in all assessment.

The AI also helps in eradicating every element of human factors that could have led to wrong assessment results.

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User Benefits

Make money on TUS

User participation on voting, candidates assessment and sharing of polls attracts accumulation of points that have financial value, convertible to cash at will and can also be withdrawn from the wallet into bank account once the minimum withdrawal threshold is reached.

Unconverted Points can appreciate or depreciate in financial value depending on contending market forces. Users are therefore advised to protect their login details to avoid unauthorized access.

The Assessment Poll

How To Create Poll

Step 1: Sign Up
Step 2: Create Poll
Step 3: Create Candidates
Step 4: Assign Candidates to Poll
Sign Up

Signup by filling the provided sign up form on this page.

As soon as you sign up, click on the dashboard menu link to navigate to your Dashboard.

Step 2: Create Poll

To create a poll, click on Creat New Poll link in your dashboard menu. Ensure you check the pricing page before proceeding to create a poll.

Step 2: Pay For Poll Poll

After creating your poll, click Pay Now in your dashboard or above the poll view page, to pay for your poll.

Step 3: Create Candidate

After paying for your poll, proceed to create a candidate by clicking on the Create New Candidate link in your dashboard menu.

Fill in all the candidate information including their profile summary.

Step 4: Assign Candidate to Poll

Assign the candidates you created to your polls. To do this, click Assign Candidate To Poll link in your dashboard.

All done. You can now use the social share buttons to share your poll link.

Vote/Create a poll today!
Sign up to vote and assess leaders or create and upload your own poll with your name displayed as the uploader.
Assessment Poll

Our Services

Decision Guidance
Decision Guidance

Help leaders and the public make informed decision using our credible, transparent and secured opinion poll platform.

Public Sensitization
Public Sensitization

Bring to the knowledge of the society of any burning issues that require their input through polls.

Online Elections
Online Elections

Managing and conducting online credible, secured and transparent election for Government Agencies, organizations, Bodies and institutions using our voting platform.

Leadership Selection Guidance
Leadership Selection Guidance

Guiding the public in leadership selection based on popularity and administrative competence combination, using our multipurpose platform.

Business/Brand Promotion
Business/Brand Promotion

Promotion of business Brands, Products and services, using our advert spaces.

Discussion Center
Discussion Center

Provision of free platforms for indepth discussion of burning issues in the polity, with maximum abusive words control and where users can create discussion topics, share to their contacts, with their names appearing as writers.

Assessment Poll

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